Planting Harbor Church Sarpy County

Planting Harbor Church Sarpy County

Citylight Omaha announced in 2024 a new church plant in Sarpy County, Nebraska. Ryan Meyer and Trevor Nashleanas have stepped into the co lead pastor role for the new church plant. Recently, the Sarpy County plant has announced their name as Harbor Church Sarpy...
Praying for Kearney, Nebraska

Praying for Kearney, Nebraska

Seven years ago, the Citylight Family board launched a vision for our Family of churches to protect and fuel the movement of church planting. So, we prayed. We are committed to being a prayer movement before we are a church planting movement. After prayer and much...
How God Has Used our Family the Past Twelve Years

How God Has Used our Family the Past Twelve Years

The Citylight Family’s mission is to multiply disciples, churches and movements. We believe a healthy church is a church who plants other churches. We have seen God move, save, and multiply his church within our Family abundantly! Since Citylight Omaha was...
4 Qualities in a Church Planting Resident

4 Qualities in a Church Planting Resident

Throughout our Family of Churches, you will meet men who are preparing to plant churches by participating in a 1-2 year residency. These are our Church Plant Residents. Our strategy in Church Planting is gospel-shaped, spirit-empowered, Godly men! We are not looking...
Where are we planting this year?

Where are we planting this year?

Announcing three new church plants for the coming year Considering our Family’s vision is to multiply disciples, churches and movements, we have identified ten strategic cities to pursue in the next ten years. This year, our Family has tweaked the original list...
Thou Shalt Listen

Thou Shalt Listen

How and why we should learn to listen well in and outside of ministry Citylight Omaha hosts a Listening Workshop led by their Care Team. Recently, Ben Hamilton, Director of Care, shared his notes from the workshop on why and how we can listen well. The goal of...