Citylight North Lincoln will have their first core team gathering on August 25th! They want to engage with and care deeply for both the people of North Lincoln and the nations. They’re praying for Jesus to build His church, to call people in and raise up local leaders, for a gathering space, and for students at Lincoln Northeast High School and Nebraska Wesleyan University to hear the good news of the Gospel and come to know Jesus!

Nate: “Hey guys. My name is Nate Morgan and I’m a part of this Citylight Family, and this is my friend Ben Oltman and we are on staff at Citylight Church in Lincoln. Recently we have felt God stirring our hearts and calling us into planting a church, planting a church specifically in North Lincoln. As we’ve pressed into Jesus and and asked Him “why God would you call us to plant this church?” we feel like He’s given us two specific reasons.

One is is the neighborhood in Northeast Lincoln, that we would be a church that would care deeply for that neighborhood. That we be a church that
remembers a people that is kind of forgotten in the city of Lincoln and we we engage people there. Then also that God would propel us and send us out to be a church that engages the nations. And so that’s where we’re at. We feel like God is calling us into that and Ben’s going to give you a couple of ways that you can pray.”

Ben: “Yep, so be praying for us! Pray that Jesus would plant and build His church. It’s not on the backs of us, not on two guys, but Jesus would call people to Northeast Lincoln, He would raise up leaders that live in Northeast Lincoln that would come be a part of our church. Pray for City Groups to start. Pray for Northeast High School, pray for students to come to know Jesus, that students would walk across the street to a possible gathering space and hear the gospel. And pray for a gathering space for us! Please pray that Jesus would provide that. And then pray for Wesleyan. Wesleyan is a college in Northeast Lincoln. Pray for students, that they would come to know Christ as well.

Our first Core Team gathering is August 25th. So man, just pray for us!”

Nate: “Amen!”