Seven years ago, the Citylight Family board launched a vision for our Family of churches to protect and fuel the movement of church planting. So, we prayed. We are committed to being a prayer movement before we are a church planting movement. After prayer and much consideration, the “Ten in Ten” vision launched. A list of ten cities, in ten years. In 2023, we tried something new with the “Ten in Ten” vision. What would it look like if we chose one of the “Ten in Ten” cities and called our Family into praying for God to send his people, planters, and a core team to that city so that a new church would be planted? Sioux Falls was brought to the fore front of our prayers and we asked for God’s will in and over Sioux Falls for an entire year.
This year, our Family board has identified the need to update the “Ten in Ten” list to reflect where we are currently being led by the Spirit and because our movement is older than ten years. We have updated the list with the title “Target Ten” vision and officially added Kearney, NE to the vision list of cities.
This does not mean we have forgotten Sioux Falls, but rather, for our Family to be more intentional in prayer toward Kearney, NE. Currently, there is already a group of leaders and members who have answered the call and who are going to Kearney. Core team will launch in Summer of 2025 and the team is being led by Kyle Dellevoet, co lead pastor of Citylight Kearney.
Family… will you pray with us? We are a church movement that sends their best, and leads with generosity.
Join us! For more information on and to connect with Citylight Kearney, email kyle@citylightkearney.org