Announcing three new church plants for the coming year

Considering our Family’s vision is to multiply disciples, churches and movements, we have identified ten strategic cities to pursue in the next ten years. This year, our Family has tweaked the original list by adding Kearney, NE as one of our “Ten in Ten.” Each of these strategic cities has a growing population, expanding college campuses filled with next generation leaders and an ongoing need for Gospel renewal. We believe that new Gospel movements in these ten hub cities will serve as catalysts for the multiplication of hundreds of new churches and tens of thousands of new disciples over the coming years.
Citylight Kearney
Back in 2018, people from Citylight Lincoln and all throughout our Family started praying for God to open doors in Kearney. For the next six year, God has been connecting people and answering prayers by sending a family from McCook. Kyle Dellevoet has stepped into being the co lead pastor for Kearney for a core team launch in August 2025. Kyle and his wife moved their family to Kearney this past summer. Kearney is a town of around 37,000 people, making it the fifth biggest city in Nebraska. Our prayer is that college students would come to know Jesus, that God would do a work only He could do, and that this town of 37,000 people would choose to radically follow the Lord and proclaim His Gospel to the ends of the earth! For more information on Citylight Kearney, please visit
Knowing each of our churches has the freedom to plant new churches in communities where they feel called, recently Citylight North Lincoln, Citylight Lincoln and Citylight Omaha have announced new plants in Greenwood and Sarpy County.
Citylight Greenwood
Citylight North Lincoln (CNL) was planted a few years ago by several people from Lincoln who saw a need for the Gospel in a neighborhood further North of Lincoln. Shortly after launch, CNL felt God giving them a desire and burden to see a new Gospel movement happen in the rural communities surrounding Lincoln. They prayed for God’s Church to go into Wahoo and Greenwood, two rural towns North of Lincoln. Over the next two years with conversations and connections with residents in Greenwood, CNL discovered that the historical society owned the church building and were ready to sell. This year the building was purchased and on Sunday September 8th, Citylight Greenwood will have their first official church gathering. Pastors Nate and Brett from CNL will rotate preaching at Greenwood for the first several months and invite anyone looking for a local church to join. Pastor Nate said, “One thing that is true about Citylight is that we are not an organization to affiliate with but a family to belong to. This is something we hope and pray is true for Citylight Greenwood.” Sunday gatherings will be at 754 Main St. at 8:30 am. For more information, please visit
Citylight Sarpy County
Citylight Omaha has announced a church plant in Sarpy County, NE with co lead pastors Ryan Meyer and Trevor Nashleanas beginning in 2025. With nearly 3,000 people moving to Sarpy County (south of Omaha Douglas County) every year, population growth is outpacing church multiplication. By God’s grace, their hope is to change that. Their dream is to plant a reproducing church specifically in Papillion that will allow the plant to multiply churches into the surrounding communities of Papillion, Gretna, Bellevue and beyond so that together they can renew the entire region with the gospel of Jesus Christ. For more information on Citylight Sarpy County, visit
Praise God for what he continues to do in and through the Citylight Family.