
Loss and Tragedy in Ministry

Loss and Tragedy in Ministry

Churches experience tragedy with staff, members, and the neighborhood they are serving. It’s inevitable and a part of life and ministry. How can a church respond and serve well? One Citylight Church in North Lincoln, Nebraska offers these words of support and...

Preparing to Plant in Florida

Preparing to Plant in Florida

In June 2021, Patrick Chandler and Andrew Kappenman were sent out from Citylight to a Florida church in the Salt Network. The goal? To plant a Citylight Church alongside the Salt Network in Florida.

The Story of Citylight Benson & One Hope Church

The Story of Citylight Benson & One Hope Church

One Hope Church co-lead pastors Tyler and Jamison. The Story of Citylight Benson Citylight Benson was the very first church to be planted out of Citylight Omaha. In 2014, Pastor Tyler Zach, a small staff and about eighty people bought an old presbyterian building...

Why Baptism?

Why Baptism?

Baptism models the power of Jesus Christ. Jesus came and was baptized, commanded His disciples to be baptized and to baptize others. We get together as a Citylight Family, as one church, once a year in the summer because we want to put on display the person and work...

Church Plant Resident Highlight – Felipe Olavarria

Church Plant Resident Highlight – Felipe Olavarria

Planting in South Omaha Five years ago in Chile, after a few years of working as a Chef, God called Felipe to become a Pastor. Since then, he and his wife, Taya, moved to New York, to Colorado, and now have been called to Omaha to plant a Church in South Omaha with...

MULTIPLY Church Conference

MULTIPLY Church Conference

Can we be honest? Citylight Family's first ever MULTIPLY Conference turned out way better than what we expected...and why not, right?! That's all because of the grace of God, the power of His Holy Spirit and dedicated leaders and team members who want His Mission to...

Citylight Culture

Citylight Culture

Have you ever wondered how the most holy, righteous, perfect man to ever live (Jesus) had best friends that were prostitutes, gritty fisherman, hated thieves, & social riff raff? Everyone seemed magnetized to Jesus. How did that happen? What made that diverse...

Launching a Church – Women in Ministry

Launching a Church – Women in Ministry

Astin KahnkLexi Eller Launching a church and leading a ministry within a new church plant is an incredible blessing and calling. With that, there can also be overwhelming tension and fatigue with troubleshooting and navigating unknowns. Being a woman in this role can...