Planting a Church as a Spouse
Over ten years ago, God stirred my husband’s heart a desire to plant a church. I was much slower in getting this desire to plant, but as usual, God was patient and continually nudged my heart to prepare me for this next adventure. He’s also provided wonderful co-leaders!
Planting in Colorado
One year ago, Citylight Ft. Collins launched with lead Pastors Phil Robinson and Andrew Scheribel and a core team made up of around 100 people. We celebrate all that God has done in and through His Church.
Going to the Nations
Jesus is at work not just here in our city, or our country, but globally. We as a Citylight family have multiplied locally and have the opportunity to multiply for the NATIONS. Each Citylight Church is seeking and equipping themselves for these opportunities and we share just a few stories how we see this happening but also invite you to join in this movement to take the Good News to ALL THE NATIONS.
Why Do We Care About the Next Generation?
God has always had a heart for one generation to declare the Good News and the good works of God to the next generation. This is why we prioritize college ministry in our Family.
Loss and Tragedy in Ministry
Churches experience tragedy with staff, members, and the neighborhood they are serving. It’s inevitable and a part of life and ministry. How can a church respond and serve well? One Citylight Church in North Lincoln, Nebraska offers these words of support and...
Preparing to Plant in Florida
In June 2021, Patrick Chandler and Andrew Kappenman were sent out from Citylight to a Florida church in the Salt Network. The goal? To plant a Citylight Church alongside the Salt Network in Florida.
The Story of Citylight Benson & One Hope Church
One Hope Church co-lead pastors Tyler and Jamison. The Story of Citylight Benson Citylight Benson was the very first church to be planted out of Citylight Omaha. In 2014, Pastor Tyler Zach, a small staff and about eighty people bought an old presbyterian building...
Multiplying and Merging – Citylight North Lincoln Story
Citylight North Lincoln Staff Team (back row) Jeff, McKenzie, Nathan, Ben. (front row) Nicole, Veronica, Nate, Jessica, Jarrett. Planting and Partnering in North Lincoln Two years ago a few city groups from Citylight Lincoln felt called to plant a church in North...
Why Baptism?
Baptism models the power of Jesus Christ. Jesus came and was baptized, commanded His disciples to be baptized and to baptize others. We get together as a Citylight Family, as one church, once a year in the summer because we want to put on display the person and work...
Church Plant Resident Highlight – Felipe Olavarria
Planting in South Omaha Five years ago in Chile, after a few years of working as a Chef, God called Felipe to become a Pastor. Since then, he and his wife, Taya, moved to New York, to Colorado, and now have been called to Omaha to plant a Church in South Omaha with...